Rwanda Baliza Hill

Rwanda Baliza Hill

Regular price £7.60

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only -2 left in stock

The Flavour Profile

This coffee features notes of cherry, maple syrup, and black tea. Its a light medium roast that makes it ideal for extraction in a cafetière or filter. Enjoy it during the late afternoon or after dinner for a delightful pick-me-up. 

The Little Details

This coffee comes from the Musasa Ruli washing station on the Gakenke district of northern province; in the Ruli sector, in Ruli Town in Rwanda. This coffee is grown 1850 to 2002 meters above sea level and is fully washed and sun dried on raised beds. It's drawn from 100% Red Bourbon. 

About the Process

Cherries are hand picked only when fully ripe and then pulped the same evening using a mechanical pulper that divides the beans into three grades by weight (machine that removes the mucilage more efficiently reducing the overall fermentation time).

After pulping, the coffee is fermented overnight( for around 12 hours) and then graded again using flotation channels that sort the coffee by weight( the heaviest - or A1 - usually being the best). The wet parchment is the soaked in water for between 18  and 24 hours to stabilise moisture content.

Hand sorting takes place in two stages - on the covered pre-drying tables on the drying tables. Washed beans are moved from the wet fermentation tnks onto the pre-drying tables, where they are intensively sorted under shade for around six hours. the ideais that greens (unripes)b are still visible when the beans are damp, while the roofs over the tables protect the beans from direct sunlight. Next, the beans are moved onto the washing station's extensive drying tables for around 25 days (epending on the weather), where they are sortedagain for defects, turned regulary, and protected from rain and the midday sun covers, ensuring both even drying and the removal of any damaged or 'funny looking beans'. After reaching  11% humidity, the coffee is then stored in parchment in Ruli's purpose -built warehouse prior to final drying-milling and hand sorting at the cooperative's brand new dry mill in Kigali.Each coffee that arrives is also cupped by Mussasa's team of expert cuppers along with the Q-graders of the exporting partner Rwashocco.


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